May 4, 2016
Bacon And Egg Stuffed Sourdough Waffles

Beretta Farms’ founder Cynthia Beretta shares a recipe for Bacon And Egg Stuffed Sourdough Waffles. This recipe uses a sourdough starter, which takes a couple of days to set, so give yourself plenty of time to prep.
Yield: Makes 4 large waffles
*H&H‘s sourdough starter recipe:
Mix together 1/2 cup whole wheat flour and 1/2 cup cool water. Stir with a spoon. You want it to be the consistency of a thick pancake batter, so add a little more flour or water if it needs it. But don’t worry too much about it; exact measurements aren’t important here. Loosely cover the container with its lid and let it sit for about two days at room temperature.
Prepping the sourdough waffles:
- Heat the organic butter and organic milk in a pan until the butter is melted and then let cool to room temperature.
- Add the milk-butter mixture to the white sourdough starter, salt, brown sugar and all-purpose flower. Mix these together to form your batter, then cover tightly and let it stand for 8-14 hours. I like to make my batter before bed so it’s ready to go in the morning!
In the morning:
- Pre-heat the waffle iron for 10-15 minutes. While this is warming up you can prepare your bacon and eggs. I scrambled about a dozen farm fresh eggs (any leftovers will be devoured by the kids regardless) and fry up a pack of Beretta Smart Cuts Bacon. Once the bacon is nice and crisp, pat it down, crumble it and set it aside with the scrambled eggs.
- Once the waffle iron is ready to go, add a small amount of batter and smooth it across the surface. Pile your desired amount of ‘filling,’ being sure to keep it in the center of the waffle iron. Top with another thin layer of waffle batter and close the iron. If your iron does not have an indicator light, I find 6-8 minutes is usually a good sweet spot for the perfect waffle.
- When the waffle is finished, you can take two routes: for the classic breakfast connoisseur, I would top with local maple syrup – I get mine from a Mennonite community in Orangeville, Ontario and there’s nothing like it! For someone in the mood for something savory, I have found that sliced avocados and some shredded cheddar cheese compliment the fillings perfectly. Buon appetito!
Danielle Matar