September 28, 2018
Berkshire Pork Loin Roast With Crackling

There are three musts for making delicious pork with crackling: a properly scored roast, a good rub down of salt and oil, and high heat. The oven starts off very hot; once the crackling has begun to crisp up and turn golden, the heat is reduced so the interior of the roast isn’t overcooked. A digital thermometer will help you get the roast out of the oven at precisely the right time.
Yield: Serves 6 to 8
Set Out Pork
- Remove pork from refrigerator 1 hour prior to cooking.
- Arrange oven rack in centre, then preheat oven to 475°F.
Prepare Pork
- Rub oil, salt and pepper all over pork and into scored crevices. Place in roasting pan.
- Transfer pork to center of oven and cook for 30 minutes, allowing crackling to puff up and turn golden.
- Reduce heat to 350°F and cook for another 45 minutes. Add thyme and juniper berries to pan.
Baste Pork
- Mix maple syrup into 1⁄4 cup water. Pour mixture over pork. Roast for another 15 to 30 minutes, basting occasionally, or until internal temperature of roast reads 145°F on digital thermometer.
Serve Pork
- Remove pork from oven and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes before slicing. Remove string and slice.
Author: Kristen Eppich
Stacey Brandford
House & Home November 2017