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Decorating & Design

10 Backyard Ideas That Will Make Your Outdoor Space More Fun

Turn your backyard into a vacation destination in itself.

Decorating & Design

60+ Ways To Makeover Your Kids’ Bedroom With Their Help!

These mini updates are easy to achieve with the help of little hands.

Decorating & Design

DIY: A Playful Indoor Swing

Design bloggers Chris and Julia Marcum share their step-by-step guide.

Decorating & Design

How To Design A Play Space You & Your Kids Will Love

Senior market editor Kai Ethier shares fun and functional ideas for your little ones.


Cinnamon Piggy Cookies Recipe

Soft and chewy Mexican treats.


Egg In The Middle Recipe

A kid-friendly breakfast idea.


Halloween Pumpkin Cupcakes Recipe

These treats will be the hit of your party!


Maple Taffy Recipe

A Quebecois treat from chef Martin Picard.


Baked Chicken Nuggets Recipe

A homemade version from chef Kathleen Flinn.


Scary Spider Cake Recipe

A fun apple and toffee cake for Halloween.


Cake Pops Recipe

Fun treats for a Halloween party.


Tacos & Chipotle Salsa Recipe

Try these vegetarian tacos for dinner.


Pepperoni Pita Pan Pizza With Tomato Dipping Sauce

A fun and kid-friendly dinner recipe.