Decorating & Design
DIY: Nut Garland
Updated on November 17, 2023

What You’ll Need:
- Nuts (walnuts, almonds, chestnuts and hazelnuts)
- Dremel drill with 1⁄8″ bit
- Waxed string
- Gather a bowl of mixed nuts with the shells on.
- Using a Dremel, drill a hole through one of each variety of nut
- Cut the waxed string to the desired length and tie a knot at one end.
- String the nuts onto the garland, then measure their total width. This will help give you an idea of how many nuts are needed.
- Once the nuts are drilled, string them onto the garland and tie off with a knot.
- Finish the look by adding an ornament at each end.
Janis Nicolay
House & Home November 2021
Emma Reddington and Jen Evans