
Designer Louis Duncan-He Transformed This Basement Into An Extraordinary Evening Retreat And Entertaining Hub

Author: Emily Evans

Updated on August 28, 2024

Calgary designer Louis Duncan-He had a tall order: to bring a relaxed beach vacation feeling to a builder-basic basement. With fond memories of travelling to destinations like Hawaii and the Caribbean, his clients were looking for a similar vibe at home. “They painted a vivid picture of lush, moody, sensual rooms,” says Louis of their vision for the space.

Having lived in their Aspen Woods house for 12 years, the couple knew it was time for the lower level to live up to its full potential. “Our house has areas for family togetherness, but it was lacking a dedicated space for adults that was free of kids’ toys, work and clutter, a place where we didn’t have to go out to enjoy a night out,” says one owner.


Eymeric Widling


House & Home


Louis Duncan-He