Decorating & Design
This Expert Will Give You The Push You Need To Declutter This Week
Updated on July 26, 2023

Since launching Minimalista, Shira Gill has become a globally recognized home organizing expert and lifestyle creator. Over the past decade, she has helped thousands of people reduce clutter and create more space for what matters. Her next book, Organized Living, is out this fall. “It’s been a thrilling and deeply fulfilling project, and I can’t wait to share all of my latest tips and takeaways,” says Shira. We recently checked in with with Shira who shared some quick tips on decluttering, sustainability and spring cleaning. Scroll down!

H&H: Sustainable design is such an important topic right now. Do you have any tips for maintaining an eco-friendly home?
Shira Gill: Start small! Most kitchen sponges contain microplastics that never break down and end up in our water systems, endangering marine life. Ditch the sponge, and opt for a stylish and sustainable wooden dish brush. Next, consider glass food storage containers for lunches and leftovers. Finally, invest in one high quality reusable water bottle per family member.

H&H: You make closet edits look so easy. What are your best tips for purging?
SG: Before you roll up your sleeves and attempt a wardrobe edit, take a moment to reflect on your current goals and lifestyle. Jot down what’s required for your typical week, from everyday clothes to workouts and special events. Then ask yourself the following clarifying questions: Does this item fit and flatter my current body? Does this item reflect my authentic personal style? Would I buy this item for full price today? Does this item energize or drain me?

H&H: Do you have any advice for tackling larger storage areas like basements and attics?
SG: I joke that storage spaces like basements and attics are graveyards for stuff — a place where our unused belongings go to collect dust. My best advice is to take tackle one small project at a time, such as kids’ art, household tools or holiday decor. Instead of keeping 10 decaying cardboard boxes of family heirlooms, edit down to the best of the bunch, and then store them in a single airtight, weatherproof labeled bin. Finally, ask yourself if these items add value to your life. If they do, display them in your home and enjoy them. Don’t relegate valuable, meaningful possessions to a storage bin in a dusty corner of your basement. Let them breathe!

H&H: Spring is just around the corner! What are your go-to tips for spring cleaning?
SG: As we leave our winter weather (and heavy layers) behind, spring is the perfect time to cut the clutter. Identify a few local destinations that accept charitable donations so you can get those bulky bags moving out the door. Bonus tip: try one these 15-Minute Wins:
- Set up a party-ready pantry stocked with non-perishable snacks and treats primed for easy entertaining.
- Spruce up your entryway by relocating the bulky winter coats and seasonal accessories.
- Add something lovely to your space like a houseplant, freshly clipped flowers from the garden or a scented candle.

For more tips, look for Shira’s new book, Organized Living (out Fall 2023) or pick up Minimalista (both published by Ten Speed Press). Visit: @shiragill
Photographs copyright © 2021 by Vivian Johnson
Reprinted from MINIMALISTA by Shira Gill. Copyright © 2021 by Shira Gill. Published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.