September 2019

Buckle up for a whirlwind tour of Jet-set Style in the September 2019 issue of House & Home. We start by touching down in Paris to visit author and entrepreneur Jackie Kai Ellis’s Belle Epoque pied-à-terre. Next up is the Milanese guesthouse of fashion sensations Dean and Dan Caten of DSquared2, which is every bit of a glam mashup as their clothing designs. Then it’s off to London, where Holt Renfrew president Mario Grauso unveils his sophisticated flat. Closer to home, designer Luke Havekas turns a builder-basic home in Quebec’s Eastern Townships into a layered, New England-style retreat. And when she’s not shooting celebs like Kiera Knightley, find out where photographer Caitlin Cronenberg’s favorite room is (and where you can find a Disco Egg). Finally, come join chef Jamie Kennedy at his idyllic Prince Edward County home for a delish farm-to-table menu.