December 21, 2016
Blueberry, Balsamic And Star Anise Pie

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours, including resting and chilling time
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours, including resting and chilling time
Yield: Serves 8
Make And Chill Dough
- Make Perfect Pastry (recipe here).
Prepare Bottom Crust
- Slice off 1⁄3 of pastry and reserve.
- Roll out larger piece on floured surface into13″-diam. round. Roll onto rolling pin and lift into 9″ pie plate. Trim excess dough, leaving 1⁄2″ overhang. Crimp overhang into desired pattern. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes or until ready to bake pie.
Make Filling
- Arrange rack into lower third of oven. Preheat to 425°F.
- Combine sugar with tapioca, orange zest and star anise in large bowl, stirring with fork or spoon. Stir in blueberries and vinegar, and toss together. Set aside.
Make Top Crust
- On floured surface with floured rolling pin, roll out remaining dough into 11″-diam. round.
- Using pizza cutter or sharp knife, slice into elongated, irregular triangles.
Assemble Pie
- Stir blueberry mixture and scrape into prepared crust. Dot with butter. Brush edges of pie with egg wash. Layer pastry triangles over filling, leaving some filling exposed. Ensure some triangles reach edge of pie and press into crimped edge to hold in place. Brush pastry with egg wash.
Bake Pie
- Bake 30 minutes.
- Reduce heat to 375°F and continue to bake until crust is dark golden colour and filling is bubbling, 40 to 45 minutes more. Remove from oven and let rest at least 1 hour before slicing.
Donna Griffith
House & Home September 2016
Sasha Seymour (prop)