Decorating & Design

Ask A Designer: How To Turn Up The Color In Your Home

Author: Jennifer Koper

Updated on June 26, 2020

In this Ask A Designer column, Jennifer Koper shares her tips for refreshing your space while you’re staying in.

Many of you have written to us, asking how to bring color and cheer to your home while we’re all in them so much! Here are a few ideas using things you may already have on hand or are simple to get.

Style It

Drape a colorful scarf or throw over your headboard for an instant hit of color.

Make It

Create a decorative throw pillow cover from leftover project fabric, a scarf or an old but treasured piece of clothing. If you only have enough fabric for one side, use a plain fabric or an old tablecloth as the backing fabric. No sewing machine, no problem: hand stitching is fine for this small project.

Paint It

Paint can be one of the most affordable ways to transform your furniture or cabinets. You may have leftover paint from a previous project or be able to easily order it online. For minimal effort with maximum impact, paint the inside of a glass-fronted or open cabinet. Pick a bold hue for a pop of happy color, or opt for a subtle pastel for a quieter look.

Tip: Contrast mouldings are a fun way to bring color into a space. Because its sometimes difficult to figure out where to start and stop, go for a quick hit and just do the trim around a key window.


Alex Lukey (bedroom, cabinets); Donna Griffith (living room); Angus Fergusson (bathroom)


House & Home June 2020


Cameron MacNeil (bedroom); Christine Ralphs & Michelle Lloyd (living room); James Davie (bathroom); Katherine Newman (cabinets)