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Learn How DIY Expert Alexandra Gater Makes Rentals Feel Like Home

She inspires millennials to turn their small spaces into personality-packed homes!

Decorating & Design

Ask A Designer: How To Turn Up The Color In Your Home

H&H's Jennifer Koper shares her tips for refreshing your space while you're staying in.


How To Refresh Your Space Without Buying Anything New

With prolonged periods of time spent at home (read: staring at your rooms), the urge to redecorate and rearrange is at an all-time high. Before you start filling your online shopping carts with items you don’t need, see what some of our favorite designers have to say about sprucing up…

Decorating & Design

7 Easy Ways To Refresh Your Kitchen In An Afternoon

There’s no denying that kitchens are the heart of the home — and for a good reason. From meal prepping to hosting family and friends, this well-loved gathering place not only needs to be stylish, but hardworking, too. If you’re looking to update your kitchen without investing in a full-blown…

Decorating & Design

10 Fast Facelifts To Wake Up Your Home Now

With the start of a new season, the desire to freshen up your space begins to creep in with the cooler weather. Turns out, small changes can have a major design impact — it can be as easy as reframing your artwork or adding a bold light fixture. We rounded…