Decorating & Design
Shops We Love: Pentper Celebrates The Beauty Of Slow Living
Published on August 24, 2020

When Scott Smith grew tired of big city life and went looking for a slower pace, Nova Scotia’s vast beaches, rugged coastline and lush forests offered a natural escape. Soon after moving to the small seaside port of Lunenburg from Toronto in 2012, he opened Pentper, a slow living shop that also functions as a gallery and creative studio. “I’ve been a minimalist ever since I learned about it in art school,” says Scott. “It’s permeated everything in my life.” Sometimes, less really is more.

Last October, Pentper moved to a handsome new location in the town’s historical Burns Block building at 230 Lincoln St.

Scott (pictured) selects each item with love and longevity in mind, and he’s made sure to clear some counter space for his latest collaboration: a minimalist ceramic tabletop trio with Jaw Pottery.

Lining the store’s panelled walls are wares that are carefully curated and quite Canadian, too. Scott regularly features works by Canadian artists, which are displayed next to neatly folded wool blankets by Blacksaw and furniture by local designer Steve Wallin.

Global offerings include Swedish household brushes and dustpans from Iris Hantverk,…

…Japanese tea accessories, and notebooks and pads from Calepino that are handmade in France.

A handmade white oak table by Halifax designer Steve Wallin is a warm and modern addition to any interior.

Brew your favorite tea leaves in this sleek and sturdy ceramic pot.

Made from eco-friendly, sustainable fibers, this soft blanket does double duty: it can keep you warm on the chilliest of fall nights and liven up a blank wall, when hung as a piece of art.
House & Home September 2020