Decorating & Design

How To Create A More Mindful Office Space While You Work From Home

Author: Harleen Sidhu

Updated on June 12, 2020

Kelly Robinson knows a thing or two about creating a zen workspace. The Chicago-based designer has, after all, brought the offices of companies like Airbnb, SoundCloud and Headspace to life with her holistic approach to design. From alleviating clutter to decorating with fresh foliage, Kelly’s spaces offer a deeper connection to your inner self. Did we mention she’s also a world-traveled yogi and dedicated environmentalist? “Anyone who has a yoga or meditation practice has learned that there is always somewhere deeper to go,” says Kelly in her new design guide, Where Spirit Meets Space. “The same is true for aligning our lives and homes with the cycles of nature.”

We’ve rounded up a handful of tips from Kelly’s guide to transform your current work-from-home office into one that considers your productivity, well-being and the background for your Zoom meetings.