Decorating & Design
Vote For Your Favorite Cover!
Updated on October 13, 2021

In our November Holiday Decorating 2021 issue, Lynda Reeves pulled back the curtain on how she and the H&H team choose a cover. A lot of thinking goes into the decision, and everyone has a point of view. The Holiday issue has to work particularly hard to hit all the right notes: Festive! Wintry! Joyous! But which cover would you have picked? Take a look at the options below and vote on the one that speaks to you at this time of year.

Alison Westlake’s PEC Country House
The ducks were a big factor in the appeal of this outdoor shot, but does the feathered fowl (a big hit last year) resonate with urbanites?

Alison Westlake’s Country Kitchen
A family shot of Coriander Girl florist Alison Westlake with her cherubic daughters has seasonal appeal with a tree and plenty of greenery.

A Roaring Fire in Kimberly and David Jones’ Vancouver Home
This stunning outdoor living room in North Vancouver is fresh and festive. “There was no room for cover lines, but that could perhaps have been resolved by photoshopping everything off the coffee table (yes, we sometimes do tinker),” says Lynda.

Craft Vignette
“The ‘closeup vignette” has worked for us in the past, especially on holiday covers. This one from our crafts story is a beautiful example.”

Jackie Kai Ellis and Joe Chan’s Vancouver Condo
Our big winner, we settled on this cover since, as Lynda points out: “Their happiness seemed contagious, and the combination of that dramatic painting and Jackie’s stunning looks epitomized “style.” Did we get it right?