Host The Perfect Cocktail Party With These Recipes
Published on December 14, 2016

Chef Melanie Dunkelman has cooked for a lot of people — Justin Trudeau, heads of European countries — so she’s a pro when it comes to making an impressive meal. “My friend once counted the dishes I made for a party: it was 21 things! It’s food that makes people feel good, so not too salty or fatty. Food just inspires me. I go to the market, pick up an ingredient, and it speaks to me — I’ve even been known to dance with a squash!” says Melanie. Join her in the kitchen and get her recipes for holiday entertaining.

“My home kitchen is small, but it fits everything I need. When I entertain, I find myself standing at the island with everyone gathered around me. It takes me no time to feed 12 people,” she says.

A full fridge and pantry make a home. Melanie’s spicy mustard pickles are based on an old family recipe from her great-grandmother.

Melanie’s collection of ceramics is a mix of pieces made by her mom, Sandi, and by Melanie herself.

“These latkes are my mother’s recipe. I learned to make the smoked-trout mousse at Opus Restaurant years ago with Paul Böehmer. I think it’s fantastic. I make this platter every year for my annual Hanukkah party, and everybody loves it.”
Get the recipe here.

“These are a spin on those tomato and bocconcini skewers everybody makes. I was inspired by my Russian roots and the flavors I grew up with. We ate beet borscht with sour cream and we had beet horseradish. They’re gorgeous.”
Get the recipe here.

“Arpi Magyar from Splendido taught me how to make these ricotta gnudi. I worked on the pasta station there years ago. The trick is that you have to chill them really well. These are the most beautiful, special things — they’re so light and fluffy and delicate. They’re just stunning.”
Get the recipe here.

“I have a special relationship with truffles. I hunted for them in Tuscany and found some big ones. And I like serving soup because it’s the kind of food that gives people a hug. It’s easy and it’s cool to serve it in demitasse cups or shot glasses — it’s good party food.”
Get the recipe here.
Virginia Macdonald
House & Home December 2015
Stacey Smithers, Ashley Denton (food), Morgan Michener (Prop)