November 4, 2022
Autumn & Eve cocktail

Area of inspiration: Toronto, Ont.
Inspired by: The Piña Colada
“The idea of pumpkin spice is funny—especially to cooks like Jonathan. Bartender friends of mine all over the world have strong feelings for and against pumpkin spice. I suppose my feeling on the matter is that orange colouring and spice doesn’t cut it, but if you do something truly special with pumpkins or squash, you’ve earned the right to jump on the annual media bandwagon. So that’s where we’re going. The Autumn & Eve tries to channel happy Halloween memories spent trick-or-treating as well. There just better be actual pumpkin in your pumpkin spice—and did I mention that this piña colada riff uses gin instead of rum? Fun.” – Lauren Mote
Yield: Serves 1
Make Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream
- Place the inner container of the ice cream maker in the freezer and let freeze overnight.
- The next day, in a medium saucepan on low heat, add the pumpkin puree, raw sugar, salt, cloves, and nutmeg, stirring constantly, for 10 to 15 minutes. Add the cream, milk, and vanilla bean (inner seeds only) to the pumpkin mix, increase the heat to medium, and stir often to ensure nothing sticks or burns. In a separate bowl, combine the egg yolks, white sugar, bitters, and bourbon.
- Once the pumpkin and dairy mix is simmering, slowly add 1 cup at a time of the hot mixture to the egg mixture in a slow and steady stream, whisking constantly to temper the eggs. Repeat until everything is combined. Whisk until cool, about 10 minutes, then strain through a fine-mesh sieve. Transfer the mixture to a container and refrigerate, covered, until chilled. Follow the ice cream maker’s setting to continue.
Make Tula Gingerbread Syrup
- Using an immersion circulator, bring a pot of water to 195°F (90°C) (or use a stem thermometer to hold the temperature on medium-high heat). In a bowl, whisk together the sugar, honey, gum arabic, salt, water, and ginger juice until the sugars are dissolved. Add the cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and allspice to a heatproof food-safe bag and top with the sugar water. Remove the air from the bag, seal, and clip it to the side of the pot, ensuring that the mixture is underwater.
- Cook for 1½ hours. Transfer the bag to an ice bath and let cool. Strain the liquid into a sanitized bottle, label with the date, and store in the fridge for up to 10 days.
Make Autumn & Eve Cocktail
- To a shaker filled with cubed ice, add the gin, sherry, pineapple juice, syrup, lime juice, ice cream, and bitters. Using some force, shake hard for 5 seconds. Using a Hawthorne strainer, strain into a short, thin highball glass. Garnish with cinnamon.
Jonathan Chovancek
Excerpted from A Bartender’s Guide to the World: Cocktails and Stories from 75 Places by Lauren Mote and James O. Fraioli. Copyright © 2022 Lauren Mote and James O. Fraioli. Cover and book design by Terri Nimmo. Cover and book photography by Jonathan Chovancek. Published by Appetite by Random House, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved.