November 5, 2024
Crispy Noodle Fishcakes

“Fun, fast and surprising, teaming up fish and noodles creates the most erratically exciting texture.” – Jamie Oliver
Yield: Serves 2
- Scrunch and snap noodles into bowl, cover with boiling water and leave to rehydrate for 3 minutes, then drain, squeeze out any excess liquid, and return to bowl.
- Finely chop most of cilantro on your board, saving few leaves for garnish, then chop fish on top into mix of chunks and super-fine and scrape all into noodle bowl with sesame seeds.
- Crack in egg, finely grate in half lemon zest, add pinch of sea salt and black pepper and scrunch together well, then divide into four and, with wet hands, shape and press into ¾”-thick patties.
- Put large non-stick frying pan on medium-high heat and, once hot, add thin layer of olive oil. Fry fishcakes for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, or until beautifully golden and cooked through, then drain on paper towels.
- In blender, blitz apricots and harissa with half lemon juice and ¼ cup of boiling water until smooth, then season to perfection and spoon across two plates. Sit crispy fishcakes on top, tear over remaining cilantro leaves and serve with lemon wedges, for squeezing over.
Excerpted from Simply Jamie by Jamie Oliver is published by Appetite ©Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited (2024 Simply Jamie). Recipe photography: ©David Loftus, 2024.Published by Appetite by Random House®, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved