June 26, 2020
Herb & Citrus Salad

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
If you’re making this Herb & Citrus Salad on a day when you aren’t barbecuing, you can also cook the almonds on your stovetop. Use the measurements of herbs as a loose guide — you’re aiming for 2 2⁄3 cups of picked herb leaves in total.
Yield: Serves 4
Prepare Herbs, Grill Almonds & Assemble Salad
- Gently wash and dry herb leaves and arugula (a salad spinner is great for this) and place leaves in large salad bowl.
- In small, grill-safe pan, combine 1 tablespoon of olive oil and butter, and grill over low heat to melt.
- Once butter bubbles, add almonds and stir for 2 minutes, or until they’re toasted. Use slotted spoon to remove almonds from heat. Coarsely chop and set aside.
- In pan, add remaining olive oil to butter. Add lime juice to warm oil-butter mixture.
- Toss chopped almonds with herb leaves and arugula, and pour oil-butter-lime-juice mixture over top. Adjust seasoning and serve.
Maya Visnyei
House & Home June 2020