Decorating & Design
The H&H 100 – 2023
Updated on October 31, 2024

See H&H’s inaugural list of the top Canadian designers captivating us today.

31 Westgate
HALIFAX 31westgate.comTimeless, beautiful spaces that reflect the unique architecture of each house by Colin Blanchard.

Absolutely Inc.
TORONTO Absolutelyinc.comThe store and design firm is known for Viki Mansell’s modern take on classic, refined refined style.

AKB Design
SAINT-HYACINTHE, QUE. Akbdesign.caAudrée Kemp Bélanger is a master of the quiet country vibe. Celebrity clients include Karine Vanasse.

Alda Pereira Design
VANCOUVER Aldapereiradesign.comTimeless, classic design with an eye for incorporating fine art and sculpture.

Ali Budd Interiors
TORONTO Alibuddinteriors.comDaring, opulent, luxe spaces. Ali’s TV show, House of Ali, will air in Canada in 2024.

Alison Milne Co.
TORONTO Alisonmilne.comA designer and gallery owner curating calm interiors with a Scandinavian vibe.

Allison Willson Design
Toronto"An eclectic mix of everyday life — executed with practicality and style."

Alykhan Velji Designs
CALGARY Alyveljidesigns.comAly’s firm specializes in an eclectic, youthful aesthetic. His first capsule furniture collection with Urban Barn sold out.

Anne Hepfer Designs
TORONTO Annehepfer.comHighly curated interiors in a classic style with a touch of bold colour and pattern. Her book, Mood: Interiors & Inspiration, was released in 2022.

Arren Williams Design
TORONTO Arrenwilliams.comA multihyphenate designer with a mid-century sensibility and product lines available at Hudson’s Bay, Renwil and Statum Designs. Arren’s own line, Casa Cubista, is available in more than 100 stores.

Ashley Botten Design
TORONTO Ashleybottendesign.comWarm, luxurious spaces with a contemporary edge, executed with precision. Ashley just launched a furniture collection; she also has a line of objets.

Ashley Montgomery Design
BARRIE, ONT. Ashleymontgomerydesign.comWith artisanal touches, rich textures and subtle drama, homes by Ashley resonate with effortless, curated style.

Atmosphere Interior Design
SASKATOON Atmosphereid.caCurtis Elmy and Trevor Ciona are known for their expressive, transitional designs punctuated by a dash of glamour.

Barbara Purdy Design
TORONTO master of rustic Canadian style, with an eye for details.

Barbara Wigmore
NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, ONT. Barbarawigmore.comInterior Design, Coming from the fashion industry, Barbara knows how to compose a room and play with materials.

VICTORIA Bidgood.coSteered by Kyla Bidgood, this firm embraces colour, materials and textures while expertly blending design eras and styles.

Blanc Marine Intérieurs
MONTREAL Blancmarine.caDesign duo Mélanie Cherrier and Laurence Pons Lavigne offer classic style with an appreciation for texture and patina.

SAINT-GABRIEL- DE-BRANDON, QUE. Blazysgerard.comBenoit Gérard and Alexandre Blazys excel in sophisticated, elegant interiors.

Carol Reed Interior Design
BROOKLYN, N.S. Carolreeddesign.comRooms that blend a modern approach and maritime character.

Celia Bryson Design
WESTMOUNT, QUE.“My aesthetic is imaginative and intuitive, with a love of materials and a mix of styles.”

Clarisa Llaneza Studio
TORONTO“Her attention to detail and refined touch are appreciated where art de vivre is of the utmost importance.”

Collective Studio
TORONTO Collective-studio.caJordy Fagan and Alana Firestone have a talent for youthful, on-trend interiors with dynamic kitchens and bathrooms.

Connie Braemer Design
TORONTO Conniebdesign.comA clean, uncluttered aesthetic applied to both contemporary and trad interiors.

Cori Halpern Interiors
TORONTO Corihalperninteriors.comThis designer loves colour and pattern; Cori’s rooms are a kaleidoscope of fun.

CVDT Interior Design
TORONTO Colettevandenthillart.comSee page 38 for our feature on H&H’s 2023 Designer of the Year, Colette van den Thillart.

Christiane Lemieux
NEW YORK Christianelemieux.comA Canadian-born design powerhouse known for luxury home brand Lemieux Et Cie, featuring sculptural, minimalist pieces.

Cynthia Ferguson Designs
TORONTO Cynthiafergusondesigns.comMaximalism, with a knack for combining colours, prints and patterns to exuberant results.

Dart Studio
TORONTO Dartstudio.caOlivia Botrie heads up this studio, which excels in designing comfortable, transitional homes.

Deb Nelson Design
HALIFAX Debnelsondesign.comCasual, collected, soulful design.

Design Maze
TORONTO“Tim Lam is on a mission to transform standard building blocks into distinctive, meaningful and inspiring experiences.”

Elizabeth Metcalfe Design
TORONTO Emdesign.caImpeccable details with a softened approach to contemporary design.

Falken Reynolds
VANCOUVER“Exploring a client’s story is how we discover the voice for each project and translate it into an intimate and authentic home.”

Feasby & Bleeks Design
TORONTO Feasbyandbleeks.comErin Feasby and Cindy Bleeks create sophisticated interiors in a transitional style.

Ferreira Design
TORONTO ferreiradesign.caGraphic black and white palettes often punctuate Jennifer Ferreira’s work.

Garrow Kedigian Interior Design
NEW YORK“The architecture is what sets the tone and tells you what you need to do with a space.”

Gillian Gillies Interiors
TORONTO gilliangillies.comTailor-made design with a fresh approach to fabrics and materials.

Gillian Segal Design
VANCOUVER gilliansegaldesign.comCreating modern and eclectic interiors — encouraging clients to push their boundaries.

Gluckstein Design Planning
TORONTO glucksteindesign.comSignature, timeless spaces catering to a prestige global client base helmed by Brian Gluckstein.

Grapevine Designs
SURREY, B.C. grapevinedesigns.caLisa Moody creates eclectic interiors in a range of styles, from contemporary to transitional.

Griffin Houghton
TORONTO griffinhoughton.comEmily Griffin and Stephanie Houghton conceive of projects that vary in mood and style, but are always full of creative twists.

Henhouse Interiors
HALIFAX henhouse.caSappho Griffin specializes in thoughtful, layered homes and has an eye for vintage details.

MONTREAL hessadesign.caAriane Gordon and Stéphanie Mathieu are on a mission to rethink spaces and evoke the senses.

Jaclyn Peters Design
WINNIPEG jaclynpetersdesign.comWith an expert eye for colour and a flair for casual, collected interiors.

Jaime Polan Zimmerman Interiors
TORONTO jpzinteriors.comKnown for classic, clean and captivating designs with a focus on comfort and functionality.

James McIntyre Interior Design
CALGARY AND PHOENIX jamesmcintyreinteriordesign.comJames’ work takes cues from travel, and ranges from traditional to contemporary with a global vibe.

James M. Davie Design
TORONTO jamesmdavie.comHighly curated and luxurious interiors in a traditional vein.

Jean Stéphane Beauchamp Design
MONTREAL jsbeauchampdesign.comDelivering a blend of eclectic elements that create personal and layered looks.

Jennifer Kominek
TORONTO“A refined approach to space, colour and materials with a touch of daring.”

Jennifer Worts Design
TORONTO jenniferworts.comNuanced design melding texture with comfort is the hallmark of her classic style.

Jodie Rosen Design
TORONTO jodierosen.comCreating spaces that fuse functional needs and personal tastes.

Jonathan Legate Interior Consultation
CHESTER, N.S.“Jonathan creates homes that express the essential natures of their owners.”

Julie Charbonneau Design
TORONTO juliecharbonneau.designBespoke, poetic interiors that are carefully curated.

Kate Zeidler Interior Design
TORONTO“Kate’s trademark is creating serene, harmonious and inviting spaces.”

Katherine Newman Design
TORONTO katherinenewmandesign.comHer couture approach results in refined, nuanced homes executed with rigour.

Kelly Deck Design
VANCOUVER kellydeck.comCustom homes with exquisitely crafted details in a transitional and classic aesthetic.

Kessler Levitan Design
TORONTO kesslerlevitandesign.comMaayan Kessler and Jo Levitan play with trad and contemporary elements to create beautiful spaces.

Kim Lambert Design
TORONTO kimlambertdesign.comEmotional, moody interiors executed with quiet sophistication.

Kyle Timothy Home
CHARLOTTETOWN kyletimothyhome.comKyle Timothy Blood designs homes in a range of styles that reflect true elegance.

La Shed Architecture
MONTREAL lashedarchitecture.comContemporary, honest design with an awareness of functionality and scale.

Les Ensembliers
MONTREAL ensembliers.comBeyond their renowned interiors, Richard Ouellette and Maxime Vandal have had collections with Brunschwig & Fils, W Studio and more.

Lloyd Ralphs Design
TORONTO lloydralphsdesign.comMichelle Lloyd Bermann is known for her airy, modern spaces with classic style.

Louis Duncan-He Designs
CALGARY louisdhe.comCALGARY Louis started his career in advertising before moving to interior design. He embraces an organic, transitional style with an elegant skew.

TORONTO houseandhome.comLynda Reeves Design Studio produces carefully curated homes in Lynda’s signature grand casual style.

Luke Havekes Design
MONTREAL rooms punctuated with pattern and colour.

LVZ Design
INNISFIL, ONT lvzdesign.comLidia van Zyl infuses her soulful projects with handcrafted, sustainably sourced and one-of-a-kind elements.

Mazen Studio
TORONTO mazenstudio.caCreative director Mazen El-Abdallah “values structure, flow, texture and material over the superficial.”

McGill Design Group
TORONTO mcgilldesign.caA classic, sophisticated, full- service design firm founded by Colleen McGill.

Meghan Carter Design
TORONTO meghancarterdesign.comLight, airy transitional design with a sense of joy.

TORONTO mhouseinc.comTORONTOInfusing traditional architectural spaces with modern glamour is Shirley Meisels’ special power.

Mia Parres Design
TORONTO miaparresdesign.comThe HGTV Canada star brings casual yet sophisticated style to her projects.

Michael Godmer Studio
MONTREAL godmer.comLivable design through a curated lens with a deep awareness of comfort.

Montana Burnett Design
TORONTO montanaburnettdesign.comCreating edgy interiors with an eye for texture and a global outlook. Her store, Salt by The Caza Project, now offers styling services.

Montana Labelle Design
TORONTO montanalabelle.comTORONTOA rich conversation between materials and textures dominates Montana’s design projects. Find a mix of rugs, art, furniture and accessories at her lifestyle store.

Nam Dang-Mitchell Design
CALGARY http://namdangmitchell.comWith an impeccable eye, Nam designs interiors that are classic, edgy and always full of personality.

Nyla Free Designs
CALGARY nylafreedesigns.comA signature aesthetic of warm white walls, relaxed seating and a mix of furniture styles keeps Nyla and her team in high demand across Canada.

Orsi Panos Interiors
TORONTO“I consider every single detail, all while adhering to the abiding elements of beauty, practicality and comfort.”

Peter Wilds Design
VANCOUVER peterwildsdesign.comKnown for merging modernism with the unexpected to create timeless interiors with edge.

Philip Mitchell Design
LUNENBURG, N.S.“A modern, maximalist master.”

PlaidFox Studio
VANCOUVER plaidfox.comBen Leavitt is known for his fearless approach to design, which boldly marries disparate styles and eras.

Powell & Bonnell
TORONTO powellandbonnell.comA bespoke studio specializing in custom contemporary and traditional interiors helmed by Fenwick Bonnell and David Powell.

Pure Design Inc.
NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. purebyamimckay.comAmi McKay delivers joyful interiors with a clean, modern aesthetic.

Rachel Deeks Design
TORONTO racheldeeksdesign.netLuxurious, bespoke design with a mastery of pattern, colour and material.

SAM Design
ST. JOHN’S, N.L. samdesign.caInviting spaces with an on-trend attitude quarterbacked by Susan Drover.

Sam Sacks Design
TORONTO samsacksdesign.comSamantha designs soulful, textured interiors influenced by her global travels.

Sarah Richardson Design
TORONTO sarahrichardsondesign.comHaving starred in more than 350 TV episodes, written books and designed collections with Kravet Canada and Brewster Home Fashions, Sarah and her uplifting interiors make her one of the most recognizable Canadian designers in the business.

Scott Yetman Design
WESTMOUNT, QUE. sydinteriors.comDesigns that creatively blend modern and trad aesthetics while never losing a sense of today.

Shannon Vosters
NEW HAMBURG, ONT shannonvostersClassic farmhouse design with a talent for timeless kitchens.

Sharon Mimran
TORONTO http://sharonmimran.comBold, glamorous and eclectic interiors with a dose of elegance.

Shauna Walton Design
TORONTO shaunawaltondesign.caTextured, neutral palettes with a contemporary edge.

SmithErickson Designs
CALGARY smithericksondesigns.comStephanie Smith and Jenelle Erickson execute comfortable, transitional interiors with exacting details.

Sophie Burke Design
VANCOUVER“Understated, elegant and classic design combined with the raw beauty of the Pacific Northwest shapes our design and approach.”

Stephanie Brown
VANCOUVER believes “each project should be a unique reflection of the client and tell their story through meaningful design details.”

Studio 1Nine1
TORONTO studio1nine1.comEmilia Wisniewski and Pete Kiriakopoulos design contemporary interiors with a moody vibe.

Tara Fingold Interiors
TORONTO“Design that marries innovation and function with timeless beauty.”

Tiffany Leigh Design
BARRIE ONT. tiffanyleighdesign.comTiffany Piotrowski specializes in a quiet country look that’s relaxed and understated.

TOM Design Studio
TORONTO thisistom.caTommy Smythe, Lindsay Mens and Kate Stuart design elegant interiors in a range of styles, from traditional to rustic to coastal.

Two Birds Design
TORONTO twobirdsdesign.caAndi Wheelband and Renée Frostick create unique and livable spaces executed with exceptional quality.

Two Fold Interiors
TORONTO twofoldinteriors.comSerene, well-composed homes with an edge are what partners Veronica Martin and Carrie Stinson are known for.

TORONTO u31.coNeil Jonsohn and Kelly Cray focus on luxe homes and large-scale developments. Their custom-built residence for Debra and Barry Campbell graced our Jan-Feb 2023 Trends cover.