Cookbooks We Love

A History Of Canadian Restaurants And How They’ve Shaped Our Cuisine

Author: Alexandra Whyte

Updated on August 19, 2024

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Turning the pages of Gabby Peyton’s book, Where We Ate: A Field Guide to Canada’s Restaurants, Past and Present, I was excited to see The Arbor, a beachfront spot in Port Dover, Ont., that I know very well. When I was growing up in the ’90s, my family spent every weekend from June to October at our cottage on Lake Erie. Once in a while, if my brother and I were lucky enough, we’d go into town to eat at The Arbor. We’d have foot-long hot dogs, fruit sundaes and Golden Glows, an orange juice–like drink with a secret recipe that dates back to 1929.

Keep reading for a history of Canadian restaurants — including classic recipes!

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Recipe and images from Where We Ate by Gabby Peyton. ©2023 Gabby Peyton. Published by Appetite by Random House, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved