October 29, 2021
Ask A Chef: Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Chef David Hawksworth of Vancouver’s Nightingale restaurant shares the recipe for his decadent Roasted Brussels Sprouts.
Q: I ordered the brussels sprouts dish at Vancouver’s Nightingale and was blown away. It had the most unique combination of flavors that I’ve been craving ever since. Can you get the recipe for me? —Maggie, Vancouver
A: Growing up, David found brussels sprouts to be “sort of horrifying,” and he was determined to find the cure. Well, this dish is it. To ensure each bite is cooked perfectly, all the sprouts are halved, roasted and caramelized. To cut the density, he adds vinegar-pickled grapes, which also balance the flavor and bring some color. This dish is one of the restaurant’s most-ordered menu items. “We often sell 40 pounds of brussels sprouts a day,” says David.
Send your questions to [email protected].
Yield: Serves 6
Make Pickled Grapes
- Place vinegar, water, sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns, coriander and salt in pot and bring mixture to a boil.
- Transfer to heatproof container and chill in ice bath immediately. Once cool, strain out spices and bay leaf.
- Pour cold pickling liquid over grapes. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Make Brussels Sprouts
- Preheat oven to 375°F. Place pine nuts on baking tray lined with parchment paper and toast until golden brown, 5 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
- Turn oven up to 400°F. When pine nuts are cool, gently pulse them in food processor until coarsely chopped.
- Place large heavy-bottomed, ovenproof skillet, ideally cast iron, over medium to high heat and heat enough olive oil to thinly coat pan. Place brussels sprouts in pan, cut-side facing down, and cook until nicely caramelized, 3 to 4 minutes.
- Transfer to baking tray lined with parchment paper, cut-side up. Roast in oven until tender, about 6 minutes.
- When sprouts come out of oven, throw in parsley leaves and Pickled Grapes, and gently toss to combine. Place sprouts on serving platter and sprinkle with toasted pine nuts.
Courtesy of Nightingale
House & Home October 2021