patterned wallpaper

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City Homes

A Fashion Stylist’s Rowhouse Is Packed With Eclectic Elements

A TV fashion personality dresses up her Victorian rowhouse with the help of TOM Design Studio.

Decorating & Design

80+ Rooms That Wow With Wallpaper

Get inspired by the endless patterns and possibilities!

Decorating & Design

50+ Dramatic Wallpapers & Murals To Inspire Your Fall Decorating

Give walls a seasonal update with these bold ideas.

Decorating & Design

Trending Now: Floral Wallpaper Gets A Modern Makeover For Spring

Time to take a trip down the garden path with these modern botanicals!

Decorating & Design

The Queen’s Gambit Is What Retro Design Dreams Are Made Of

Color, patterned wallpaper and velvety perches abound!


This Designer’s Whimsical Bathroom Feels Like A Lush Oasis

Powder rooms are the perfect place to take a daring design risk, but have you ever thought about going bold in your principal bathroom? That’s exactly what Boston-based designer Cecilia Casagrande did. Over three months, she transformed her Victorian home’s ensuite with dreamy Bagatelle Panel…