Antoni Porowski

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Queer Eye’s Antoni Porowski Shares His Favorite Comfort Food

Discover six comforting recipes to whip up while you stay at home!


Jim’s Pi Pie

“During the seven wonderful, heart-opening years I spent with my former boyfriend, Joey, we marked each birthday with a celebratory sweet,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “One year, his father, Jim, asked me to name my dream birthday dessert. I made it up on the spot: a salty…


Pork Chop Like At Kiki’s Taverna

“There’s a magical little taverna on the island of Mykonos that’s run single-handedly by a gentleman named Vassily,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “To get there, you park your doorless Jimny rental 4×4 and walk down a path until you reach a little break in the hillside, and there is…


Braised Cabbage With Pears & Cumin

“Pears offer a nice change of pace from the usual apple in this dish, and I love the way their sweet, gritty texture half dissolves and cooks into the vinegar and cabbage juices,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “This makes a great side for Pork Chop Like…


Roasted Carrots With Carrot-Top Pesto

“I love carrots pretty hard, and I really get off on figuring out uses for parts of an ingredient I might normally toss,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “The ‘discovery’ of using carrot tops to make pesto (I’m not the first to think of it) is a great…


Southern Italian/Cold NYC Winter Salad

“Cutting the fennel as thin as humanly possible dials back some of the intensity of the anisey flavor, giving you more delicate but still crunchy strands of translucent goodness,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “Chilling the citrus makes the salad extra refreshing.”…


Frenchified Latkes With Chive Sour Cream

“You don’t have to be Jewish to love these crispy potato pancakes!,” says Queer Eye‘s culinary expert, Antoni Porowski. “I French mine up by adding nutty Comté or Gruyère and serving them with spoonfuls of Chive Sour Cream.”…