November 16, 2020
Vinegar Glazed Roots

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Glazing vegetables can be a little tricky. You want your vegetables to be cooked through at just the right time so they can be glazed without being over or undercooked. This Vinegar Glazed Roots recipe reverses the process to make it a bit more flexible. Finishing the vegetables with the glazing and sautéing steps also allows you to cook the vegetables in stages when making a larger meal.
Yield: Serves 8
Cook Vegetables
- In large sauté pan over high heat, combine water, vinegar, parsnips and pinch of salt, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, or until parsnips are tender. Using slotted spoon, remove from pan. Reserve.
- Add carrots, radishes and shallots to pan and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes, or until tender, adding more boiling water to pan if needed. Using slotted spoon, remove from pan. Stop the cooking process at this point and reserve cooking liquid and cooked vegetables until just before dinner time.
Glaze Vegetables
- In same pan, over high heat, add honey and butter to cooking liquid and bring to a boil for 8 minutes, or until liquid is reduced to about ¾ cup. Add horseradish and reserved vegetables.
- Reduce heat slightly and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, or until vegetables are lightly browned and nicely glazed. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Transfer to serving plate and sprinkle with parsley.
Stacey Brandford
House & Home November 2020